Thursday, September 30, 2010

of course I am halfway through my day before I realize I was wearing two different color socks.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mondays are not going to be real "homework" days, as I feel useless after 14 hours on the clock.
taught my first class today, made some mistakes, but did pretty well for a guy who only got his book 4 days ago.
day is cruising along but i feel unprepared on most fronts.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My old Yahoo email got hacked, so if thehallspace sent you a message today about iphones or electronics then delete it immediately.
my cousin Amorah Lewis preached a good word today.

Friday, September 24, 2010

I went to bed at 4, baby got up at 5, then again at 6. got him down until just now. We are both going to have a long day.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

who is gonna be awake in an hour and feels like editing a dissertation abstract? lets not all raise our hands at once.
is very "dead on my feet" tired today.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Media lets you clone pieces of yourself & send them out into the world to have conversations on your behalf.Robin Sloan
darn it, I forgot that there was a Janelle Monae concert tonight. Can't just up and do stuff like that without securing a sitter anymore.
almost caused an accident trying to consult google maps while driving. need to stop being stupid.

Pokémon Apokélypse: Live Action Trailer HD

To be honest I was never really a fan of Pokemon,
but I love fan-film trailers like this that take a concept, and some cliches and make an awesome trailer.

Great stuff

Saturday, September 18, 2010

they played the cupid shuffle, which my wife was obligated to do...
Mrs. Mykish is, of course, a lovely bride. very classy ceremony.
made Mykish's wedding. The Halls were actually on time for something.
finally made it to the Cincy comic expo. caught up with a few friends. talking shop and comics.

*Official Video Remix* Antonio Dodson Wakes Up To Find Intruder In Her Bed

Friday, September 17, 2010

RT @ebengregory: Shout out to all my people who procrastinate because tomorrow will be today tomorrow.

Does Marvel know what they are doing with Black Panther?

Marvel will be moving Black Panther over to the Daredevil title at issue #513. This is pretty sad since Black Panther once headlined his own title, at least two times. Unfortunately the powers that be believe that Black Panther can’t headline his own book. A lot of times the character gets marginalized to the “proverbial” ghetto and now he will be going to the literal ghetto.

This is different than when Priest had Black Panther trolling around the ghetto for the first few issues of his run. Especially when I hear the new writer saying things like this:
The other aspect of "Black Panther: The Man Without Fear" that Liss finds intriguing is the chance to drop T'Challa, the former king of the fictional African nation known as Wakanda, into the middle of the crime ridden wasteland that the Kitchen has become post "Shadowland." "We're taking somebody who has always been royalty - his father was a king and he's been a powered superhero and a monarch for a large portion of his life. We're stripping all of that away from him. He has no powers. He has no Wakandan tech. This series is about somebody trying to figure out what he's made of and who he is. He's coming to this environment, which is so dangerous and troubled, to test himself," Liss explained. "That's what I really loved about this project. It was an opportunity to rethink a long established and iconic character in very interesting way. -Liss Sends T'Challa to Hell's Kitchen-
Now, I don’t want to go entitled fanboy or anything, but this pretty much says that this writer does not know the history of the panther. Tchalla knows who he is. He lost his father at a young age, he was thrust into the spotlight of Wakandan politics as a child and built to be the leader of an unconquerable African nation. This was at a time when all of Africa was being carved out to britan, France, Spain and whomever else wanted to roll through with rifles. So from this we can gather that he isn’t some spoiled monarch, but instead a man born of steel and fire. He is a warrior whose people come to him every few years and deride him for leaving them behind. And what does he do? He takes their rituals head on and shows them why he is their leader.
What I am saying is, Black Panther isn’t Batman. Running through the ghettos busting the heads of gangsters is small time to a man who spend his youth at the table with world leaders. This is a guy that has embassies, and an army, and a Panther God at his back. Why would he even CARE about what Tony Soprano is doing thousands of miles away from his birthplace.

To me it is lazy story telling. Don’t get me started on the idea of Wakanda being bankrupt. You can’t be sitting on all that intellectual property and technology and be bankrupt. Their children’s toys should be worth enough to the world stage to make them an economic entity. They could sell versions 3 or 4 of the kimoyo card and make Apple crap their pants.

On the one hand Marvel wants us to support their character, and follow him through his adventures. On the other hand they want us to forget their character’s history in favor of something that might be a cool story. The only problem is Priest wrote this story as Black Panther (vol. 3) #50 when Kasper Cole shows up. Only Tchalla didnt take on the gangs himself, he used Kasper to do it, to redeem himself.

I will say I appreciate that they haven't let T'Challa languish. They keep trotting him out in different versions and ways. I think they keep missing the essence of character. Marvel tends to like destroying their heroes for the sake of story. I hope they know what they are doing with T'Challa, but I have a feeling that they don't.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Good News Everybody! I got the job, you are looking at the new adjunt teacher for UC Cleremont!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sorry for filling up your feeds/news/timelines, but I had to share, that was one bad movie.
From now on I will be resolving all my personal tragedies and traumas by frantically yelling at my friends to: "Fix It! FIX IT!!!"
This was Tyler Perry's 9th movie, why hasn't he learned anything re: storytelling, character development, emotional payoff?
The Rock will be saving Janet with his light skinned-ed goodness. He loves Jesus, and he loves her...
Well, we gotta wrap this thing up, lets kill a character, that'll bring everyone back together and resolve all the issues we uncovered.
I am pretty certain the Janet character was exploiting her life's tragedies for her books, without learning anything herself.
and this movie should be called "Why didn't the characters learn anything?" staring Janet Jackson's cleavage.
and The Rock will be playing Wesley Snipes from Waiting to Exhale for a final scene.
i was wondering what the emotional fulcrum of this movie was going to be, he laid it on rather thick.
Nicole slams her laptop closed and yells, "Are you kidding?!?" followed by, "Who's gonna hug the guy with cancer?"
This is Janet Jackson, this is Janet's cleavage. They will be overacting together today.
I almost shot the Gardner today, but I'm not gonna bring that up, I'd much rather talk about this other thing.
Followed by a scene that can only be called: "Tyler Perry whispers..."
the Second act of this movie is pretty much titled, the Characters Yelling.
This technically counts as stunt work, Janet just did some stunt work here.
hey hey hey, no reason to go denouncing being married to a psychologist. we aren't so bad.
This movie should be called: "Who really is cheating, or not?"
I don't think, in Atlanta, that you have to call someone special to get a job as a cop?
I think this movie just swiped a plot point from Soul Food: "you know why we called her Coke Bottle right?"
no seriously, these aren't the same characters from that first movie.
Really, you only have one set of your dead baby's pictures? you never scanned any in or anything, and you keep them all in one album?
In case we didn't mention it before, we went to the Bahamas, and we said a lot of important things that we will keep repeating.
These character motivations are flimsy at best, but character traits, those are turned up to ELEVEN!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Does anyone still come home with lipstick on their collar?
I think Tyler Perry wrote this movie in a weekend. no edits, because who is gonna tell him what to do in his sequel?
the characters really shouldn't spend so much time laughing at themselves, and repeating lines of dialogue.
And why is Marcus a sports announcer if he was a hairdresser in the last movie?
Okay, so why can't Troy find work if he was a sheriff in Colorado? Does Atlanta not need law enforcement? Can he not pass the test?
So, yeah, my wife has me watching Why Did I Get Married Too?... this is really contrive and trite.
why did the cat just freak my wife out by trying to bring a live chipmunk into the house.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

is determined to be in the library conquering this dissertation tomorrow night. yeah, that is how I plan my evenings now.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Spent most of my weekend hanging out with my dissertation, and discovered she's not so bad, just misunderstood...

Sunday, September 05, 2010

five guys burger? dont mind if i do!
if i lived alone i would definitely have a dog...
It is weird coming home alone. My life without my other is unfamiliar and small.
called it a night. the reunion was good, took a lot of pics, learned some things about the equipment, good times...

Saturday, September 04, 2010

set up at my sister's reunion with my backdrop to take pictures. forgot my printer, but otherwise ready to rock.
He got thru the night ok, a few hiccups along the way but nothing too bad. he was wide awake at 4am, but dad got him back down.
My first night alone with the baby is going pretty well. He's down for the night, and I am trying to get some work done.
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